Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sleepy Days

Well Little Miss must have had a growing day today, because she slept almost the whole day away! It was nice for Mommy, I got so much done!
First off I woke up at 5 am to feed her and pump, so after that it was 535 and Adam had to get up at 6 so I went ahead and made him a yummy breakfast to start his day off right! Then I brought the baby downstairs with me and watched an episode of Tudors while she slept.
At 830 she woke up and had a bottle, she was so alert and awake. So I thought why dont we go do baths, and so I bathed her then put her in her bouncy next to the tub and I took a bath! It was so awesome to take a real bath! Addison just watched and talked to me the whole time!
Then I put her down around 1030 and cleaned the entire upstairs from top to bottom. Since I was about 7 months pregnant Adam has had to help me do all the cleaning around the house so it was awesome to get to do it today! I vaccumed, dusted, swept, and every other little thing I missed doing.
Addison ate a 5oz bottle a 4 1/2 oz bottle and then another 5oz bottle since 3pm, my baby is on a roll! Sorry todays blog was boring I am trying to keep written track of her schedule so I can try to keep her on it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Tooth

We woke up this morning and to our surprise there it was! Her first tooth appears to be coming down. Although, one friend told me that it may go back up, so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. The poor baby has been through so much this week with this whole teething thing! So I hope it slows up pretty soon!
After we woke up Mommy put on Dr. Seuss cartoon and she watched those for about 20 minutes. She just loves listening to the instruments and the bright colors that Dr. Seuss uses! Its so much fun to have an infant, I mean Ive never really been around one before, so there is always something impressing me about my daughter!
After Mommy and Daddy ate breakfast Daddy gave her a bath and they had so much fun! It was his first time doing it completely alone and he did a great job! Then he brought her down to me so he could go mow the lawn and her and I are watched The Little Mermaid! I love how she stares at the colors with such amazement!
Now my little princess is sleeping taking her mid morning nap! I sure hope she feels better this afternoon!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2 Month Picture

Yesterday Addison was two months old, and I believe she is already teething! Can you believe it! She is drooling and you can see the little teeth under the gums in her mouth! Well yesterday she was miserable so we had to wait until today to take cute little pictures of her. The cuteness didn't last for long but I got a few good pics of her! Boy has she gotten big in the past two months! She has rolled over several times, she smiles all the time and has even started to giggle, and she is getting better at holding her head up every day. She loves Dr. Seuss, we have been watching episodes every day and she sits in her bouncy and listens to the music and watches the colors on the screen!
Having a baby has changed my life drastically, but I completely love it and wouldn't change it for the world!
So I have decided to start a blog and you are welcome to come to it anytime to seee pictures and read about whats going on in the life of the little princess!